Monday, 27 June 2016


Cutting out the bits i need to make my faun

cut out my models body and the part of the alpaca i need ,
starting to blend them together to make it look real.  

getting background ready 

getting ready to cut out one of many leafs for cutting out to use in her top 

getting her top together 

 top finally finished , just the pan flute to go 

 pan flute done and finally in place looking good 

Finally finished , happy with the out come.

was really hoping to find a goat so had to go with what i could find which was an alpaca.

Friday, 24 June 2016

Water Nixe

Cutting out the bits i need to make the water nixie

cut out my model ready to add scales nd very thing else

Cutting out one of many petals for her scales  

working on the background in witch she will be

placed her in her habitat , making her look like she is really there with getting her leg under the water.
started to work her fins and removing her bra to get ready to add scales.

scales are coming alone nicely getting close to finishing

finally  finished her 
really happy with how she came together 

to get the lighting right i was lucky enough to find my background photos before i photographed my model, witch meant i was able to have the lighting going the same way as it was in the background photo. 

Friday, 20 May 2016

Thursday, 12 May 2016


Getting Ideas 



The Water Nixie

For the mythological creature, see Neck (water spirit).
"The Water Nixie" or "The Water-Nix" is a fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm, tale number 79.[1] It came from Hanau.
It is Aarne-Thompson type 313A, the girl helps the hero flee and revolves about a transformation chase.[3] Others of this type include The Master MaidJean, the Soldier, and Eulalie, the Devil's DaughterThe Two Kings' ChildrenNix Nought Nothing, and Foundling-Bird. The Grimms noted Sweetheart Roland as an analogue.
A brother and sister fell into a well, where a nixie caught them and made them work for her. One Sunday while she was at church, they ran away. The nixie chased them. The girl threw a brush, which became a mountain with thousands of spikes, which the nixie got through with great effort. The boy threw a comb behind them, which became a mountains with thousands of teeth, which the nixie got through with great effort. The girl threw a mirror behind them, which became a mountain too slick for the nixie to climb. She went back to get an ax, but before she could chop through the mountain, they escaped.

Neck (water spirit)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The necknicornixie or nokken (GermanNixeDutchnikkernekkerNorwegiannøkkSwedishnäckFinnishnäkkiEstonian:näkk) are shapeshifting water spirits in Germanic mythology and folklore who usually appeared in forms of other creatures.
Under a variety of names, they were common to the stories of all Germanic peoples,[1] although they are perhaps best known fromScandinavian folklore. The related English knucker was generally depicted as a wyrm or dragon, although more recent versions depict the spirits in other forms. Their sex, bynames, and various transformations vary geographically. The German Nix and his Scandinavian counterparts were males. The German Nixe was a female river mermaid.
The German Nix and Nixe (and Nixie) are types of river merman and mermaid who may lure men to drown, like the Scandinavian type, akin to the Celtic Melusine and similar to the Greek Siren. The German epic Nibelungenlied mentions the Nix in connection with the Danube, as early as 1180 to 1210.
Nixes in folklore became water sprites[10] who try to lure people into the water. The males can assume many different shapes, including that of a human, fish, and snake. The females with the tail of a fish. When they are in human forms, they can be recognised by the wet hem of their clothes. The Nixes are portrayed as malicious in some stories but harmless and friendly in others.
By the 19th century Jacob Grimm mentions the Nixie to be among the "water-sprites" who love music, song and dancing, and says "Like the sirens, the Nixie by her song draws listening youth to herself, and then into the deep."[10] According to Grimm, they can appear human but have the barest hint of animal features: the nix had "a slit ear", and the Nixie "a wet skirt". Grimm thinks these could symbolise they are "higher beings" who could shapeshift to animal form.[11]
One famous Nixe of recent German folklore, deriving from 19th-century literature, was Lorelei; according to the legend, she sat on the rock at theRhine which now bears her name, and lured fishermen and boatmen to the dangers of the reefs with the sound of her voice. In Switzerland there is a legend (myth) of a sea-maid or Nixe that lived in lake Zug (the lake is in the Canton of Zug).
The Yellow Fairy Book by Andrew Lang includes a story called "The Nixie of the Mill-Pond" in which a malevolent spirit that lives in a mill pond strikes a deal with the miller that she will restore his wealth in exchange for his son. This story is taken from the Tales of Grimm.
The legend of Heer Halewijn, a dangerous lord who lures women to their deaths with a magic song, may have originated with the Nix.
See also: Lorelei
Alternate names (kennings) for the female German Nixe are Rhine maidens (German: Rheintöchter) and Lorelei.
In a fictional depiction, the Rhine maidens are among the protagonists in the four-part Opera Der Ring des Nibelungen by the composer Richard Wagner, based loosely on the nix of the Nibelungenlied.
The Rhine maidens WellgundeWoglinde, and Floßhilde (Flosshilde) belong to a group of characters living in a part of nature free from human influence. Erda and the Norns are also considered a part of this 'hidden' world.
They are first seen in the first work of the Nibelungen cycle, Das Rheingold, as guardians of the Rheingold, a treasure of gold hidden in the Rhein river. The dwarf Alberich, aNibelung, is eager to win their favour, but they somewhat cruelly dismiss his flattery. They tell him that only one who is unable to love can win the Rheingold. Thus, Alberich curses love and steals the Rheingold. From the stolen gold he forges a ring of power. Further on in the cycle, the Rhine maidens are seen trying to regain the ring and transform it back into the harmless Rheingold. But no one, not even the supreme god Wotan, who uses the ring to pay the giants Fasolt and Fafner for building Valhalla, nor the heroSiegfried, when the maidens appear to him in the third act of Götterdämmerung, will return the ring to them. Eventually Brünnhilde returns it to them at the end of the cycle, when the fires of her funeral pyre cleanse the ring of its curse.
Descendents of German immigrants to Pennsylvania sometimes refer to a mischievous child as being "nixie."

Thursday, 7 April 2016


Grid Composition 

 Using Photoshop I adjusted one photo to the look I was going for then recorded it so I could apply it to all the photos.

To make the grid I made a new document in Photoshop, using the rulers I was able to layout the gird layout I wanted before adding in the photos. 

Thursday, 31 March 2016

Adjustment Layers

Destructive and Non-destructive Adjustment Layers 

Changing the hue in Photoshop 



creative adjustments 

My original photo I took 

The same photo after I added a filter and a blue overlay

Friday, 18 March 2016

cutting out objects in Photoshop

In the kitchen 

Using the layer mask tool

Using the polygonal lasso tool

Using the magic wand tool

 Using the pen tool