Monday 20 July 2015


Welcome to my blog.

I am a solo mother to one lovely young boy, we have a cat called Patches, you will some times see photos of her up on my blog,  we also have pet fish, I have tropical fish and my boy has a goldfish.

My boy and I.

I was born and raised in Auckland, left Auckland when I was 18  just before I turned 19. I moved here because some of my family being here (came down here a lot on holidays as a child and loved it), the rest of my family are in Germany as my father is from Germany and has been here for over 30yrs. 

I am currently studying up at Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki, last year I got my NCEA  level 2 (Certificate in Tertiary Studies) and Certificate in Creative Graphics level 3. This year I'm studying Certificate in Photography level 4 then hoping to get into the Diploma of Creative Technologies.

My plan is to become a photographer and graphic designer,  where I can use my photographs in my graphic design for posters, folded media ( ie: brochures),  albums and a bit of business branding.